Rymprint #One T-shirts Sales and printing Shop

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Personalised T-Shirts! Design & Order Online

Irresistible Stuff! Design a T-shirt for Men, Women or Kids

Discover a Huge Selection of T-Shirts

Our Most Popular T-Shirts

Products for all professions and occasions

Upload design

Our design team checks your design and prepares it for printing.

Approve order

You will receive a confirmation by email that you can release immediately.

Production & shipping

We produce and ship the order to the address of your choice.

Make everyone happy

Gifts for him

Gifts for her

Gifts for children and babies

Special accessories

Decorations for the home

Photo gifts

Give the gift of personal memories

Discover extraordinary designs

Festive support: graphics service

We can help you! Christmas designs or gifts, we expertly put your ideas in the spotlight.

FAQ - Find answers to your query

Making a custom T-shirt with Rymprint is super easy. You only need to make a few choices first, like what type of T-shirt you want and what you want to print on it. We have a large library of available designs and fonts to help you out, and of course you can upload your own graphic ideas as well. If you require any additional help, you can also contact our talented design team to help you bring your ideas to life for a small price.

Rymprint pricing is based on four things: the T-shirt you choose, the number of different areas you want to print on, whether you choose a free design or pay a small fee for one, and the total number of T-shirts in your order. The more custom T-shirts you order, the lower the price per T-shirt for you. Before you order, you will get a complete break down of the overall costs. If you have any questions at any stage, the customer service team will be happy to help you out.

To add a logo to your T-shirt, you simply need to upload the logo in one of the supported file types (PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, SVG, AI) with a maximum file size of 10MB. Then place the logo where you want to have it, resize it if necessary – and you’re good to go.

All of our T-shirts undergo several stages of testing. This is to make sure that the print comes out in the best-possible high quality, and the T-shirts themselves can provide the excellent comfort and perfect fit you desire. Some T-shirts have a higher cotton density, while others offer a fabric blend of mixed material, making them super soft to the touch. With a wide range of options at your disposal, you can chose both style and fit of your custom T-shirt.

Yes, once you have uploaded the design it can be placed on many different styles of T-shirts (and of course on other products as well). You will also receive a discount when you order 6 or more items, and these don’t need to be t-shirts but can be any other items from our product range.

Yes, we offer a full satisfaction guarantee. If you have any problems with your custom T-shirt and you are not 100% satisfied, you’ll have 30 days to return your item. Just get in touch with our customer service team, who will be happy to help.

Yes, all custom t-shirts are printed in Nigeria, either in our production facility in Rivers State, and we also offer nation wide delivery 

Yes, all custom t-shirts are printed in Nigeria, either in our production facility in Rivers State, and we also offer nation wide delivery 

Yes, we have no minimum order size. You can order a single custom T-shirt or 1,000 custom T-shirts. Having no minimum order size allows you to create the T-shirt just the way you want it, for whatever occasion or event, large or small.

To reduce unnecessary waste, we only ever print a T-shirt once the order has been completed. This typically takes around 24 hours from the moment the order is placed until it’s ready to be shipped.

We have three different shipping options: standard, premium and express. With express shipping, it is possible that your custom T-shirt will already reach you within 2 working days (times may vary depending on different states and the number of t-shirts ordered)

Most of our T-shirts allow you to print on the front, back and both sleeves. For each additional area, there will be an increase in price. You are completely free to personalise the T-shirt however you want it to be.

Design personal gifts

T-shirts from Rymprint come in a wide range of sizes and fits, including ladies, men’s and kid’s cuts. However you want your printed T-shirt to look, we have the right style and colour for you. Our custom T-shirts have been tested for lasting performance. Our suppliers hold quality seals, ensuring your tees stem from fair and environmentally-sound production, and they’ll continue to look great after many washes. Rymprint also offers many organic T-shirts for your personalised sustainable style.

Printed T-shirts with your Photos, Design or Text

Designing your own T-shirt has never been easier thanks to our Customize Tool. This innovative technology will allow you to easily customise and create your own unique T-shirt in a matter of minutes. Get some inspiration in our large gallery of free designs or personalise your t-shirt with a photo or individual text, it’s all possible. Whatever you want to express, custom T-shirts are the perfect option when a plain, boring, printed T-shirt just won’t do.

The Perfect Gift for any Occasion

Hunting for a one-of-a-kind gift that they can’t find elsewhere? Then design a custom T-shirt with Rymprint. Our custom T-shirts are perfect for birthdays, holidays or any other occasion. With your individual charm it can be guaranteed that the recipient won’t receive anything else like it. You can top off your tee with a photo, unique design, or personalised text. If you’re searching for a gift that will impress, you’ve come to the right place.

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